Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why would any small business want to grow?

Many New York City small-business owners will face a trio of new government regulations in the pipeline that could hit businesses all at once: an increase in the minimum wage, paid sick leave, and the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare).

Out of the three, let us take a look at the paid sick leave. Under the proposed bill, the NYC Department of Health (DOH) would require small businesses (more than 5 employees) to give their employees at least five sick days a year. Business would be required, upon demand, to turn over their employment records to DOH investigators. If the Department of Health finds that an employer fired a worker for calling in sick too many times, they have the right to be compensated for at least $5,000. The proposed rules don’t require employees to provide much besides their word. An employer may not demand a physician’s note until the third day out – and of course, the employer cannot withhold pay if the worker fails to produce even such minimal documentation.

This bill will certainly hurt small business more than any other business. While I understand the desire of the government to protect workers who may fall ill during the work week, what if there was a better way to do it. What if the Government provided incentives for these types of programs for small businesses? Why not provide a tax break to a small business that create a sick pay program. It helps both sides. As you can see with the chart below, the cost of hiring one employee continues to rise, which is preventing business owners from hiring.